An early New Year's resolution...
..I'm going to blog on a semi-regular basis. I think.
See - I opened up this account earlier this year under the naïve assumption that I would be miraculously motivated into better dedicating myself to art since it would be exposed in the "public" eye. My first and last art post was in January - I haven't touched this site since. Clearly this whole experiment in motivation is working gangbusters for me as an artist.
But at some point during this year - probably when I was off somewhere not drawing - I accidentally remembered that, while I enjoy scribbling out funny pictures on paper, I also enjoy scribbling out funny words as well (perhaps more so... but ixnay on the love of itingwray as I'd hate to scare off the crayons). I think it was around the same time I realized my home office was starting to emit a distinctly foul and unforgiving odor. Upon careful inspection, I discovered the funk was coming from my old English diploma which had been rotting away on a shelf for about seven years. I brushed it off, Febreezed the room and then came to realize something pretty important:
I want to be a better writer.
So I will try. And I will blog. And hopefully this will keep me on track. But if my art publishing track-record is any indication of success, this probably means nothing. Still, if I blog anything at all here after today, I'm already off to a better start.
And just to give this something of an archival quality, here is my take on some of what is going on at the moment:
As I write this, Vegas is thawing out from its first major "snowstorm" in about thirty years. Oh, we get snow most winters so it's nothing technically new. But Vegas Standard Snow never really sticks in the valley and usually doesn't allow itself to be measured in sort of way. Being here this week was a lot like being in a spastic rendition of "Armageddon" - the city came to a halt, all travel was either delayed or canceled, hotels and casinos lost power... no one really knew what to do except enjoy it and be inconvenienced by it at the same time. As of this evening, things are finally starting to return to some sort of normal (as normal as things can get in Vegas), though small patches of snow still cling in shadows under homes and icy roads are a still hazards throughout the city - the consequences of which I got to experience firsthand. My car was rear-ended on the way to work on Thursday when the driver behind me hit a patch of black ice. It was one of those mornings where I just made all the wrong decisions, it seems. I had contemplated calling in sick, contemplated going in much later than normal, contemplated taking a different route to work... and BLAM! My bumper is damaged and I'm a little stiff in the neck still but I'm sure it could have been much worse. You live and learn - never second-guess calling in sick on a snow day.